Write about something you ate. Wonderful, horrible, nutritious, junk, whatever it was. Describe where you were by providing details of what you saw or heard, but not details that identify the place. If you describe who you were with, provide details that won't identify the person. Begin by writing, "Once, I ate..." Include other details about when this was, if you … [Read more...] about Mysterious Eating
Where There’s a Chair
Begin by drawing a chair that fills up the whole page. A real chair or an imaginary one. A sketch is fine. As long as the chair is as big as the page. Your drawing divides the page into sections somehow. In each section, write something about a chair. A chair you have known. One you have forgotten. The best (and worst) qualities of chairs. A chair that isn't a chair at … [Read more...] about Where There’s a Chair
People and Places
We swim in rivers of people. In person, on the screen, in books, in reputation, and in memory. Everybody has to be somewhere. We have experienced so many places, public and personal, from couches to mountaintops. Think about the names of places and people you have known. Write the letters of the alphabet (A-Z) down the left-hand side of the page. For each letter, … [Read more...] about People and Places
What You Miss
Here in the New Abnormal, definitive, unqualified statements about the future are hard to make. Even the present is difficult to pin down. There are new topics of conversation, altered relationships, new routines and wannabe habits. Today, write about the most solid thing you can: the past. Write about what you miss. Ask yourself: What has been snatched from my life … [Read more...] about What You Miss
Easy Go
Failure to let go. It's at the heart of just about every drama that can occur among humans. Or within a single human. Today, focus on your myriad successes at letting go. Think of objects that you have handled, carried, or put away. When you set them down, you let them go, most likely with minimal effort. Forgetting is a type of letting go. Whatever it was we didn't … [Read more...] about Easy Go