In the story of Rumpelstiltskin, a funny little man pops up to save the heroine who must spin a pile of straw into gold by morning. Write about a metaphorical pile of straw that you wish Rumpelstiltskin would spin into gold for you. Consider changes to your own life, even your past. Think about changes you could effect for others. Maybe you would like to change the … [Read more...] about What Would Rumpelstiltskin Do?
When the Pandemic is Over
It ain't over yet. But it isn't permanent, either. All deadly global pandemics end sooner or later. Write about what your life will be like when the pandemic ends for you. Consider rekindled possibilities and lingering losses. Think about skills and habits, relationships--new and old. Is there something you can't wait to forget? Fill up a page by taking an … [Read more...] about When the Pandemic is Over
From Squiggles to Faces
Begin by drawing a half-dozen or so random squiggles distributed more-or-less evenly around the page. Choose a squiggle and add a few more marks to it. Fiddle around with it until some kind of face emerges. When you notice the face, add to it. Turn all of the squiggles into some kind of face. Skip around. Add some words to go with each face. A caption, perhaps. Or a … [Read more...] about From Squiggles to Faces
At Least Four Letters
Write whatever you like. Perhaps a story from your life, or one from your imagination. Or simply describe the world around you. As you are writing, skip all the words that are less than 4 letters long. No need to skip them in your thinking, just don't write them down. Pause partway down the page to give your mind a rest. Read over what you have written. Scribble out any … [Read more...] about At Least Four Letters
A Story From Your Life
Write a story from you life that fits on exactly one page. It can be a big story or a little one. A story full of drama and excitement, or one that is kind of boring. The story can take place in the past, the present, or the future. It can center on a place, a person, or an event. Before you start to write, put a dot in the middle of the page. As you write, when you … [Read more...] about A Story From Your Life