Fill a page today with questions that you don't know the answer to. The first question can be about anything at all. For the second question, pluck a word from the first question and include it in the second question somehow. Include a word from the second question in the third one, and continue like that all the way down the page. Jog your mind with question words … [Read more...] about Questions Upon Questions
Where’s the Fire?
Does a fire burn inside you? What burns a bridge? Does every fire destroy something? Write about fire today. Real fires that turn things to smoke and soot. Metaphorical fires that issue warnings or bring change. Fill a page with ideas or memories about fire. Illustrate your work and give it a title. Write the date and a signature on it--but don't burn it … [Read more...] about Where’s the Fire?
What makes you call something round? You can hold a round ball in your hand, but how do you know that the earth is round? Is a pencil round? A belly? A knot? Can ideas be round? What about history? Or procrastination? What goes around? What comes around? Around what? Today, fill a page with round things and ideas about what makes them round. Give your work a … [Read more...] about Round
A Story of a Shoe (or Two)
Fill a page with a story that includes at least one of the many shoes that have passed through your life or your imagination. Think about shoes that have purpose and shoes that send a message. Some shoes never get worn. Others you have (almost) forgotten. Some shoes create comfort and others cause pain. Some shoes--traveling shoes, crying shoes, big-girl shoes are … [Read more...] about A Story of a Shoe (or Two)
Starting With a Tree
Consider trees. Their biology and mythology. Their leaves and needles, fruits and shade. Think about all the different things that can be made from trees. Begin to write with a tree in mind and see where it goes. You could make a list and comment on it, tell one or more stories from your life that include a tree, or record your ideas alphabetically. Read over your … [Read more...] about Starting With a Tree