Rituals are acts that we perform again and again. For some reason. Because they are reliably repetitive, we benefit from their rhythms. Some rituals are idiosyncratic and private. We carry them out alone. They keep us healthy and sane. Other rituals are formal and public. Think of rituals associated with religions and governments. Sports teams have rituals. Families … [Read more...] about Rituals and Rhythms
Present and Past
Take note of something in your present world. It can be a physical object in front of you, or an idea that's on your mind. Write a line or two about it. Skip three spaces, take note of something new, and write a line or two about it. Continue that way, skipping three spaces between each item until you reach the bottom of the page. Return to the top. After each thought … [Read more...] about Present and Past
Mysterious Help
Describe situations in which you have received help. Allow a line or two for each one. Provide some vivid details, but none that reveal the story. Don't tell what you needed or why the help was important. You could write about times when someone's help averted a disaster you asked for help and received it someone helped you without knowing it someone helped you … [Read more...] about Mysterious Help
Not Sorry
Unfortunately, life usually presents us with many opportunities to say that we are sorry. We meant well. It was an accident. We weren’t thinking clearly. We didn’t understand the whole situation. Happy accidents can happen, too. Sometimes, without any thought or planning, we do things that are perfect for a situation. We can accidentally do something that later on turns … [Read more...] about Not Sorry
Finishing the Year
As you mark the change of the calendar year, spend some time remembering the year that is finishing. It was a whole year. That’s a lot of minutes. On a blank page, draw a large grid that has exactly 12 rectangles in it. Label the rectangles with the months of the year. In each box, write notes about things that happened in your life during that month. Try to do this … [Read more...] about Finishing the Year