Memory is disorderly, but a calendar is not. Sometimes you can trick unexpected insights from your mind by mapping your disorderly memory onto an orderly calendar.
Divide the page into 12 roughly equal sections, each labeled with a month of the year. Scan your memories of the previous year and try to connect the memories with a specific month. When an event occurred. When a new idea came to mind. When you learned how to do something new.
In each of the 12 spaces on your page, write down at least one thing that you remember from that month.
Sometimes it takes awhile to recall something from every month. You might want to get up and do something else for a while and wait for recollections to float to the surface of your mind. Or doodle and draw a little bit.
When you have written something for every month and are satisfied with your work, give it a title. Write the date on it, too.