One thing that is certain about having a life in the world is that from start to finish, you do it in a body. Your body. It was issued to you at the start, and it’s yours throughout. So many heartbeats. So many breaths. So many steps taken and meals digested.
Your body grows, changes and ages. When it gets ill or injured, you call yourself “sick” or “hurt.” When it heals, you call yourself “better.”
The most common way to discuss your body with others is to complain about it. Maybe your thighs aren’t skinny enough, or your hairline is in the wrong place. Then there are the aches and pains! Or more dramatic events that require medical intervention. When our bodies go haywire, we notice—and we have a lot to say.
But your body is you. All those thoughts about how your body is inadequate or wrong go inside of you somewhere and affect you somehow. Continue…