Nancy Casey
Moscow, Idaho, USA
What role does language and language learning play in learning and doing math? What sparks the excitement of a mathematician? What kinds of thinking and play are “mathematical?” How do you articulate what mathematics is, both to children and their often math-phobic teachers? Is it possible to teach children the standard mathematics curriculum within a rich and exciting context of mathematical ideas?
These were some of the questions underlying a collaboration between language teacher Nancy Casey and mathematician Michael Fellows which led to the publication of This is MegaMathematics! a guide for elementary school teachers who wanted to bring mathematics into their classrooms as a living discipline, while at the same time meeting the demands of the traditional mathematics curriculum.
Eventually a wave of conservatism in American education washed This is MegaMathematics! into obscurity, but with its re-release this year, we can ask which of the many lessons teachers, mathematicians and students learned from each other in these classroom experiments remain relevant for collaborations today.
References for the teaching of language arts in elementary school and high school using the “whole language” method that taps the students’ broad set of language-learning strategies for the teaching of reading, writing, and other communication skills.
The seminal papers of the Mega-Math project
Language Acquisition and Mathematics Learning (Nancy Casey)
Computer SCIENCE and Mathematics in the Elementary Schools (by Michael Fellows)
Implementing the Standards: Let's Focus on the First Four (Michael Fellows and Nancy Casey)
Short paper describing Mega-Math (Nancy Casey)
Enhanced Lives: Classroom Structures for HumanDevelopment
Descriptions of classroom activities that use methods and materials from Mega-Math
The Whole Language Connection (Nancy Casey)
Three For the Money: An hour in the classroom (Nancy Casey)
A teacher describes using the story of the Hotel Infinity in his classroom
Teachers describe how to organize language-based mathematics and science learning in their classrooms.
The most beautiful math book in the world.
Mathematicians write about problem solving and the practice of mathematics
Some books about mathematics that are accessible to anyone
The Mathematical Tourist by Ivars Peterson (along with many others)
Islands of Truth by Ivars Peterson (along with many others)
ThisBook Needs no Title by Raymond Smullyan (along with many others)
The Knot Book by Colin C. Adams
Wheels, Life and Other Mathematical Amusements by Martin Gardner (along with many others)
Math-based literature that is really literature?
Welome to the Hotel Infinity from the Mega-Math project
Some radio essays with underlying mathematical concepts: